Tactile Memories

7 September - 11 November 2023
Minoo Yalsohrabi, A Broken Relationship, 2023
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Press release

Tactile Memories explores touch, movement, and synesthesia, as well as
the transformative power of our surroundings. It delves into visibility,
motion, action, and chromatic perception to examine how visual stimuli
suspend our awareness of time and space and evoke memories and
sensations of touch.
Memories of touch profoundly influence our interactions with the world,
shaping our engagement with people, spaces, and objects. Touch is
associated with movement, temperature changes, and multi-sensory
experiences that help us gather haptic information stored in our memory.
Certain areas of our body that are sensitive to touch act as hotspots for
recalling haptic stimuli. The exploration of tactility and memory takes us on
a journey through time, allowing us to reconnect with past experiences.
The artists' works on view offer synesthetic connections and journeys
through seeing. They explore their materials and approaches, starting with a
sensory curiosity for the tactile senses. The layers in their compositions
evoke memories of tactile nature. The artists, especially as young Iranian
women, express sensory experiences such as tactile reactions and
memories, implying notions of body criminalization and visibility censorship.
Each artist's work conveys unique aspects: Tarlan Tabar captures haptic
expression and communication, Minoo Yalsohrabi documents movements
and actions in food preparation and painting, Elham Pourkhani creates tactile
connections with meticulous detail and Girth geometric forms, Taba Fajrak's
installation and video allude to teardrops that initiate touch with our own
body, Maryam Amirvaghefi uses collage to depict stretching and expressing
happiness, and Mahsa Tehrani explores the totality of one's presence in an